Q: Why Should I Join PTO?

A: PTO is a great way to meet other Kendrick parents, interact with teachers, plan activities for your child, and know what is happening at your child's school. The PTO takes pride in helping to provide the kind of school community where teachers and students can excel. Research indicates that when parents and teachers partner together, especially during early education, children have better outcomes educationally, emotionally, and socially.

Q: How much is PTO membership:

A: Membership is $5 per person.

Q: Why do I have to pay to be a PTO member?

A: Membership fees are part of our annual fundraising. Your fees help to create lasting positive memories for our students, teachers, and families. The fee provides us the ability to fund various events/activities and provide additional rewards/support to our students and teachers.

Q: Who can join PTO?

A: Parents/guardians, grandparents, or other relatives of a Kendrick student, and Kendrick employees, are eligible to join.

Q: Do I have to attend PTO meetings or volunteer if I join?

A: No. While we would love to have you attend our monthly meetings or help out with an event, we understand not everyone is able to or has a desire to, and there is no requirement for you to do so.

Q: Do I have to be a PTO member to attend meetings?

A: We welcome anyone, whether they paid for a membership or not, to attend our meetings.

Q: What if I don't want to provide my information and just want to donate, can I?

A: Yes. Donations of any size, small or large, are appreciated and beneficial. Monetary donations can be turned into the school's office throughout the year. Please make sure to put the donation in an envelope and write "PTO donation" on it before turning it into the office.

Q: What is the best way to receive information about what is happening with the PTO?

A: Aside from attending our monthly meetings, visit our website and follow us on Facebook as updates will be posted there.

Q: Who can I contact if I have additional questions, concerns, or suggestions?

A: You can contact the PTO via email at: Kendrickpto@gmail.com or via Facebook Messenger. If you would like to be contacted via phone, please include your contact number in the message. You can also leave a note/message with your contact info in the school office requesting someone from PTO follow up with you.